Dr Montazeri (>120 publications, h-index 21), is one of the experts on signal and information processing and control system technologies in the UK. He has been working on robotics and autonomous systems as co-investigator on a £11.5M EPSRC funded hub, National Centre for Nuclear Robotics, and has led several projects with Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Sellafield Ltd, and NNL Ltd. He is an Associate Editor of the journals Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Automation MDPI, and Computational Intelligence in Electrical Engineering. He is also serving as IFAC Technical Committees 'Adaptive and Learning Systems' and 'Modelling, Identification, and Signal Processing'. Dr Montazeri was a visiting research scholar at Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH, Zurich and Process Control Group, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has previously worked at the Fraunhofer Institute of Digital Media Technology (FHG-IDMT) on the design and development of active noise control systems in the automotive industry. He was also involved in projects related to sound field synthesis and control for virtual acoustics and virtual reality applications. His research interests cover areas such as control theory and digital signal processing. Particularly he is interested in adaptive signal processing and control, robust control, linear and nonlinear system identification, estimation theory, and evolutionary computing and optimization with applications in active noise and vibration control systems as well as robotics and autonomous systems. He is the theme lead for the Advanced Manufacturing group at Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre.
LU - Engineering
Member (Staff)