The natural world is complex, and so it is not surprising that we want to view nature through this lens. But things are also becoming ever more complex because of the increasing influence of human systems on the environment. These effects now reach so far into nature it is becoming difficult to see where one ends and the other begins, creating hybrid systems of systems. And as society becomes ever more complex, so do the tools we have available to us to handle the complexity that we are creating. Data science has become central to this process of understanding and managing complexity. Our research aims to advance approaches for coupling models, capturing interdependencies and feedbacks, and exploring systemic solutions to environmental change.
Complex systems
Associated Members
Gordon Blair
Director LU - School of Computing and Communications
Gordon is a Distinguished Professor of Distributed Systems in the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, and is Co-Director of…
Paula Harrison
Director UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Paula is a Co-Director of CEEDS, Professor of Land and Water Modelling and Principal Natural Capital Scientist at the UK Centre for Ecology &…
Lindsay Banin
Theme Leader UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am a scientist at UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh. My research focuses on plant and ecosystem ecology, how plants interact with…
Eleanor Blyth
Theme Leader UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I work with the JULES model, ensuring that it correctly represents what we know about the water cycle. This involves studying processes such as soil…
Denes Csala
Theme Leader LU - Engineering
Dénes is a researcher and thinker interested in exploring the language of data: visualisation. He holds a lectureship at Lancaster University in the…
Rob Dunford-Brown
Theme Leader UKCEH - Biodiversity
Rob Dunford is a Geographer with over 15 years experience working as an interdisciplinary research scientist. He specialises in approaches that…
Pete Henrys
Theme Leader UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Peter Henrys is a chartered statistician at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology specialising in long term large scale spatial-temporal modelling…
Ryan Hossaini
Theme Leader LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Ryan is a Reader in Atmospheric Chemistry in LEC. He has over a decade of experience developing and applying process-based models to understand…
Amber Leeson
Theme Leader LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Amber Leeson is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Data Science at Lancaster University, where she is Theme Lead for Environment in the Data Science…
Amy Thomas
Theme Leader UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Amy is a soils, land use and public goods modeller specialising in development of modelling frameworks for local to national scale applications.…
Lauren Thornton
Theme Leader LU - School of Computing and Communications
I am a PhD student & CEEDS ECR Representative. In my research I study trust in environmental data science, specifically looking at ways we can…
Kelly Widdicks
Theme Leader UKCEH - Pollution
Kelly is a Software Systems Architect in the Environmental Data Science group at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and a Theme Lead…
Vasileios Antoniou
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I work as a spatial data scientist in Water Resourses SA. I am an expert in spatial analysis, earth processes, active tectonics. Programming…
Elisabeth Appleton
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Elisabeth is a greenhouse gas and soil carbon scientist in the Plant Soil Interactions group at UKCEH. She uses a mix of field and lab-based…
Alona Armstrong
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research and innovation activities focus on developing understanding of the interactions between energy infrastructure and the environment. I use…
kirsti ashworth
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research interests lie in the interactions between terrestrial vegetation, atmospheric composition and society over a range of time and distances…
Rafael Barbedo
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Rafael is part of the Water Resources team as a Spatial Data Scientist, providing spatial data expertise for analysis, data managing and mapping…
Hattie Barber
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Research Associate looking at adaptation in trees
Richard Bardgett
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Richard is soil ecologist whose research explores how interactions between plants, their roots, and soil microbial communities regulate…
Helen Baron
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Helen Baron is a Hydrological Modeller in the Water Resources Systems Group at UKCEH, with a focus on model development and a background is in…
Richard Bassett
Member (Staff) LU - School of Computing and Communications
Richard an atmospheric scientist working in the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University. I have expertise in urban climate and…
Chris Bell
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
General interest in CEEDS topic areas - just observing.
Laura Bentley
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am trained as a forest ecologist with experience in catchment hydrology and using remote sensing data. Most of my experience comes from…
Nick Beresford
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Radioecologist specialising in the study of the impacts of ionising radiation on wildlife, radionuclide transfer to human foodstuffs and remediation…
Hollie Blaydes
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Working to better understand the impacts of ground mounted solar farms on biodiversity, my research has focused on insect pollinators and how they…
Christine Braban
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am Atmospheric Composition Change Group leader in the Atmopsheric Chemistry and Effects Science Area (pre November 2017: Biosphere-Atmospheric…
Kate Briggs
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I'm a postdoctoral researcher based in the Lancaster Environment Centre. I monitor changes to ice masses using remote sensing techniques. My…
Matt Brown
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am a numerical modeller interested in doing the modelling and programming behind any project involving the physics of the natural world, especially…
Mike Brown
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am an IT infrastructure and software engineer. I now mainly manage software and infrastructure development for UKCEH and the NERC Environmental…
Dylan Carbone
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I come from a marine biology undergraduate background at Swansea University and decided to pursue a Masters in Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity,…
Jeremy Carter
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Environmental data scientist interested in topic areas including Biodiversity, Rewilding, Mycology, Bayesian Modelling, Gaussian Processes, Causal…
Fabio Carvalho
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My main research focuses on plant-soil interactions and the impact of land-use change on biodiversity and ecosystem processes and services (e.g.,…
Erick Chacón Montalván
Member (Staff) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
I am a senior research associate in environmental data science at DSNE with a PhD degree in Statistics and Epidemiology. My research focus is to…
Rhian Chapman
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I started at CEH in June 2018 with a background in modelling planetary climates, atmospheres, and surface-atmosphere interactions. I have experience…
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I am Water Resources Hydrologist with a background of hydro-climatology and water resources management.
Rob Cooke
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Rob is an ecological modeller, applying a range of models to answer pressing biodiversity research questions. Rob's research primarily focuses…
Elizabeth Cooper
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I'm interested in measurements and models of soil moisture, soil hydraulic processes and data assimilation.
Bernard Cosby
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I've enjoyed more than 40 years of research and teaching in the environmental sciences in the US, Canada and Europe. Prior to Joining UKCEH I…
Jess Davies
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research focuses on sustainable soils, land and food systems across natural, agricultural and urban landscapes. Drawing on my background in…
Graham Dean
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am an experienced computer scientist and technical manager who has worked within research & development activities in academia, industry and…
Philip Donkersley
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Philip is an entomologist with a major focus on evolutionary and microbial ecology. He has worked on a range of ecosystems including pollinators and…
Ulli Dragosits
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
Spatial modelling of atmospheric emissions, concentrations, deposition and effects at national and landscape scales; atmospheric pollution; nitrogen…
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am a hydrologist driven to understand river and catchment processes, with experience in floods (including GLOFs), soil hydrology, water resources…
Michael Eastman
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I am a hydrological analyst who is involved in hydrological simulation, forecasting and extreme value theory.
Paul Evans
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am a spatial ecological modeller, who is currently working mostly on modelling ecosystem services across the UK and EU.
Christopher Feeney
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Environmental Data Analyst (Research Associate) working in the Catchment to Coast team and Soils and Land Use Research Area at UKCEH, Bangor.
Gemma Fenwick
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am working as a research associate, currently assessing the declines in coral reef fish biomass in remote wilderness reserves and coral reef fish…
William Fincham
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Will is a spatial ecological modeller with an interest in a variety of quantitative ecological questions. He is currently working on quantifying the…
Alice Fitch
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
The main focus of my work consists of modelling the impacts and trade-offs of land use scenarios on a variety of ecosystem services. However, I work…
Andrew Folkard
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I work primarily in aquatic environments where my main interest is in bio-physical interactions between hydrodynamics and ecosystem functioning,…
Lisa Gecchele
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am an ecologist with an extensive experience in spatio-temporal modelling ecological datasets in human-dominated landscapes. I have experience…
Charles George
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am an Earth Observation Scientist using optical remote sensing technologies to extract biogeochemical properties of land surface vegetation.
France Gerard
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am a senior research scientist at UKCEH Wallingford. I develop the Earth Observation research carried out at UKCEH Wallingford. The main focus of…
Dominic Ginger
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Senior Cloud Engineer, building cloud native solutions as part of the envioronmental Data Science Group.
Marika Glasby
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I graduated with a BSc (Hons) Geological Hazard from the University of Portsmouth. I have experience working in GIS, and am interested in learning…
Nick Graham
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Nick is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and a Chair in Marine Ecology. His research tackles large scale ecosystem science, using both…
David Green
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am a Design Researcher with a background in documentary making, digital arts, and experience-centered design. I am interested in applying this…
Bethan Harris
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
My research investigates land-atmosphere interactions using satellite earth observation datasets. I am particularly interested in evaluating the…
Sam Harrison
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Environmental modeller specialising in the fate of contaminants in terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Richard Hassall
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am an ecological modeller with an interest in population and disease ecology. I use both statistical and mechanistic modelling approaches to…
Michael Hollaway
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am a meteorologist and atmospheric chemist by background with specific interests in the impacts of air pollution on human health and plants. I also…
Helen Houghton-Carr
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I am involved in hydrologically varied projects, both in the UK and overseas, the latter primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. These have…
Jasmine Hunter
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am a Data steward with the Environmental Data science group, focussing on how we can improve our data management to reach broad audiences, and…
Mike James
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research involves understanding Earth surface change processes, with emphasis on volcanic flows such as lavas and domes. I use field measurements…
Victoria Janes-Bassett
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at Lancaster based in both the Environment Centre and the School of Computing and Communications. As an…
Guillermo Jiménez Arranz
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Acoustic engineer and researcher with 8-year's experience in assessing the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine species. Interested in…
David Johnson
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Expertise in measuring the functional diversity of soil foodwebs, fluxes of trace gases, and the ecology of plant-root symbioses
Rucha Karkarey
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a Royal Society Newton International PostDoc Fellow working with Dr Sally Keith at the Lancaster Environment Centre. I am studying how…
Sally Keith
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am an ecologist seeking to understand the diversity and distribution of life on Earth, primarily using hyperdiverse coral reefs as a model system.…
Aidan Keith
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am an ecologist who likes measuring soils and want to better understand their inner workings and unpack the black box, in an effort to shape more…
Ben Kenward
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Originally trained as a biologist, I now work as an environmental psychologist, with current lectureships at Uppsala University, Sweden, and Oxford…
Robert Kenward
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Robert Kenward is a Fellow who worked for 25 years in Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and CEH on animal population dynamics, modelling from radio-…
Doran Khamis
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
My interests lie in combining mathematical and statistical modelling with machine learning approaches to develop new frameworks with which to…
Adam Kimberley
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Vegetation scientist primarily studying drivers of plant community change over time and how this is affected by landscape and environmental context.
Caroline King-Okumu
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
CEH International Development Opportunities Manager
Ezra Kitson
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I've recently joined the Freshwater Resources and Sustainability (FRS) team at UKCEH Edinburgh in the role of Environmental Data Scientist.
Ann Kretzschmar
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
BSc Environmental Science (1977), Masters - Engineering Hydrology (1978) and Environmental Informatics (2011), PhD (2017) - "Utilising Reverse…
Cedric Laize
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Hydro-ecological modeller; researches complex hydro-ecological associations by performing statistically robust and computationally demanding analyses…
Tim Lamont
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Tim is a marine biologist at Lancaster Environment Centre, with research interests in coral reef ecology and restoration. He aims to understand the…
Anita Lazurko
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Anita Lazurko is a Scenario Developer at UKCEH. She holds a PhD in Social & Ecological Sustainability from the University of Waterloo (Canada).…
Juan Pablo Lobo-Guerrero Villegas
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I work as a Research Associate Environmental Data Scientist in the Emissions, Sources, Sinks and Solutions group at Edinburgh, working on…
Eva Loerke
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am a geoscientist with strong qualitative and quantitative research skills, specialising in environmental monitoring, climate resilience, and…
Robin Long
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Robin is a Senior Research Software Engineer with a background in experimental particle physics. Robin joined UKCEH in 2024 helping establish a new…
Chris Lowe
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am Science Area Coordinator for the Soils and Land Use Science Area, based at UKCEH, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster
Ellie Mackay
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I am a freshwater ecologist with an interest in the collection and use of long term and high frequency data to answer critical questions about how…
Kit Macleod
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I have a passion for enabling people to utilise innovations and best practices in data and digital technologies to improve their understanding and…
Eva Maire
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My name is Eva. I am a postdoc at LEC working on coral reef systems using both ecological and social-ecological approaches. I've used R mostly…
Joe Marsh Rossney
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am a Research Software Engineer at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
I recently completed a PhD in physics, where I applied…
Zeke Marshall
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I'm an Ecological Data Scientist working at UKCEH in Lancaster. I'm interested in conducting analyses and producing decision support tools…
Toby Richard Marthews
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am an Environmental Scientist with a particular interest in the effects of Climate Change on ecosystems. I have two special focuses:
Toby Marthews
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I'm very interested in the work of CEEDS. My work area is environmental science, stretching all the way from hydrological prediction to…
Cristina Martin Hernandez
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
Research Associate in information systems and a data analyst. Manage, develop and maintain websites such as APIS, SCAIL and UK Critical Loads and…
Mario Martinez
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am interested in statistics and computing methods for improving the understanding of our interaction with the natural environment and the…
Israel Martinez Hernandez
Member (Staff) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
My primary research interests lie in (nonstationary) functional time series, and (nonstationary) spatio- temporal datasets. I have developed novel…
Kelly Mason
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am interested in carbon and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems in relation to climate and land-use change. I specialize in trace gases…
Linda May
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I have more than 40 years’ of experience as a freshwater ecologist. Initially, my main research focus was the population dynamics of zooplankton and…
Andrea Mazzeo
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I'm a senior research associate working at the Lancaster Environment Centre. My area of interest is regional modelling of meteorology and…
Cristina McBride-Serrano
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a soil science research technician at the Lancaster Environment Centre. I am interested in soil and water conservation in a world with a…
Sergiy Medinets
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
My research interests lie within different aspects of nutrient (nitrogen and carbon) biogeochemistry, soil-plant-atmosphere interactions,…
Anthea Milnes
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am the Head of Communications and Engagement at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
Anthea Milnes
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am head of communications and engagement at UKCEH
Nathan Missault
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Research Associate at UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology working on hydrological modelling.
Deena Mobbs
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am a member of the Ecological and Socio-Ecological Interactions Group at Edinburgh, working as a modeller and data specialist. I am also a member…
Allahyar Montazeri
Member (Staff) LU - Engineering
Dr Montazeri (>120 publications, h-index 21), is one of the experts on signal and information processing and control system technologies in the UK…
Robert Moore
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I work within the Hydrological Forecasting Group at UKCEH with an interest in modelling how landscape properties shape a storm pattern to yield a…
Heather Moorhouse
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I am a freshwater ecologist with an interest in long-term water quality datasets and citizen science
Henry Moss
Member (Staff) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
My research sits at the intersection of AI and mathematical sciences, where I develop algorithms to model, optimise, and design complex real-world…
Vasilis Myrgiotis
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am a researcher at the University of Edinburgh and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. I am interested in the interface between agriculture,…
Simon Oakley
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I investigate the effects of climate and land use change on plant-soil biogeochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems, delivering research to…
David Parkes
Member (Staff) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
I am a research associate on the Data Science of the Natural Environment (DSNE) project focusing on spatial statistics and geometric…
Luke Parry
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Luke is a social scientist interested in identifying pathways towards socially-just and sustainable futures for tropical forest regions, particularly…
Clare Pearson
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
Spatial Data Analyst Research Associate within the Emissions Sources, Sinks and Solutions group.
Mike Perring
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Mike has expertise in environmental change effects on ecosystems gained using observational, experimental and simulation modelling approaches. His…
Oliver L. Pescott
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I'm a plant ecologist and botanist with a strong interest in statistics, meta-science, and communicating uncertainty. A lot of my work at UKCEH…
Christopher Pollock
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am a quantitative ecologist, largely working on models used to predict the impacts of offshore wind farms on seabird populations.
Jasmine Pullen
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Environmental Contaminant Scientist/Research Associate at UKCEH, with a background in Earth Sciences. Involved in research relating to the sources,…
John Quinton
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Soil Scientist with interests in the sustainable use of soils, their interaction with water and approaches to monitoring and modelling their…
Beth Raine
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am an ecological modeller at UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh. My PhD explored tropical forest ecology and my research now spans a…
Biren Rathod
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I'm web developer in BRC but I'm software engineer by profession.
Helen Rawsthorne
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am improving the semantic modelling of metadata in the Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) to increase the FAIRness of the datasets. I am…
Stefan Reis
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
My work focuses on the integrated modelling and assessment of impacts of air pollution and climate change on human health and ecosystems.
Eftathios Reppas Chrysovitsinos
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am an environmental engineer with a PhD in Applied Environmental Science. At the moment, I am working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at…
Mark Rhodes-Smith
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am a hydrological modeller working on seasonal water quantity forecasting and long-term water quality prediction using large gridded models of the…
Helena Ripley
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Interest in researching sustainable agriculture, with a focus on plant soil interactions.
Hannah Risser
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am an ecological data scientist based in the Land Use group at UKCEH Lancaster. Recently, my research has focused on integrated modelling of long-…
Clarissa Rizzo
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
I'm an early career scientist in the Water Resources Group at UKCEH. I’m currently involved in hydrological modelling and data processing.
Samuel Robinson
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
My research focuses on impacts of land use and climate change on plant-soil interactions, soil biodiversity and biogeochemical cycling across diverse…
James Robinson
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research aims to understand how climate changes are impacting tropical ecosystems and fisheries, and to understand how fish can continue to…
Simon Rolph
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Data scientist at UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Completed a PhD at the University of Sheffield in animal and plant demography. User of R and…
Ed Rowe
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I'm a user and designer of ecosystem models, with particular interests in soil / vegetation biogeochemistry, and dynamic niche occupancy models…
Ali Rudd
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
Ali is a Hydrological Modeller at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. She has experience in the application and evaluation of national-scale…
Mariana Rufino
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I study complex landscapes and how these produce biomass, food, and supply water. I use in my research empirical measurements (soil, plants, water),…
Maria Salama
Member (Staff) LU - School of Computing and Communications
Maria Salama is a senior research associate at Data Science of the Natural Environment (DSNE) research project.
Faiza Samreen
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
My area of expertise centres around designing and developing scalable, interoperable and resilient distributed systems that leverage the power of…
Kasia Sawicka
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
My research interests and current focus are spatial modelling of biogeochemistry and ecosystem change in response to climate change and pollution;…
Janice Scheffler
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am a chemistry climate modeller turned air pollution modeller and have experience in meteorology, atmospheric modelling, data processing and…
Reto Schmucki
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Community ecologist, working on the impact of global changes on species distribution, plant-insect interactions and the mechanisms that structure…
Paul Scholefield
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Currently at Lancaster Environment Centre, Paul focuses on the intersection of environmental change and terrestrial ecosystems. His approach employs…
Rod Scott
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am a software engineer developing data systems and data visualisations
Kevin Sene
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I’m an Honorary Researcher at LEC where my interest is in using statistical tools to help understand complex hydrological systems to inform the…
Marta Shocket
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I'm interested in how temperature and other environmental factors (e.g., nutrients and food resources) shape transmission of infectious disease…
Barry Simons
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
LEC Business Partnerships Manager
I have over 20 years experience working in environmental and sustainability policy and strategy including…
Andrew Singer
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I'm an environmental microbiologist with an interest in pollution, it's impact on the environment, AMR selection, and human health
Marcia Smith
Member (Staff) LU - School of Computing and Communications
I am a design researcher and practitioner and work as a senior research associate in the PARIS-DE project at School of Computing and Communications…
Richard Smith
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Lead Data Scientist at UKCEH, Wallingford, helping lead development and use of hydrological data products both internally and externally. Experienced…
Simon Stanley
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
My current role at CEH requires me to manage the processing and storage of data from sensor networks. This includes maintenance of Python and R…
Stacia Stetkiewicz
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am an interdisciplinary researcher who works across the boundaries of agroecology, biology, and social science in order to identify win-wins for…
Joshua Talib
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
After completing my PhD titled "what determines the location and intensity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone" at the University of…
Philip James Taylor
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Water Resources
Philip is an Environmental Data Scientist in the Freshwater Restoration & Sustainability Group at UKCEH. He is a specialist in lake catchment…
Sam Tomlinson
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Spatial Data Analyst, primarily in the field of emissions and atmospheric transport.
Michael Tso
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
I am a hydrologist and geophysicist by background with specific interests in the impacts of soil moisture and contaminant transport. I also have an…
Wlodek Tych
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My main interest and background is in developing methods and tools for time series analysis and, in general, analysis of uncertain dynamic and non-…
Emily Upcott
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
Emily is a spatial ecology research associate who uses analytical and modelling approaches to address ecological questions. She is involved in a…
Audric Vigier
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am developing and maintaining tools for several scientific projects around air pollution, nitrogen management and soils. I mostly work in R on…
Supreeta Vijayakumar
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a researcher currently working on modelling C3 crop metabolism towards optimising photosynthetic and water use efficiency in potato (Solanum…
Jo Walsh
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Pollution
Jo is a research software engineer with a background in geographic data, semantic web, and deep learning, in a mostly public sector career
Yuanlin Wang
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I am Yuanlin Wang, an air pollution modeller from UKCEH, Edinburgh. I focus on air quality across EU and UK based on EMEP model, and also interested…
Steven Wells
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
Steven is a Mathematical Modeller at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. He has experience in the development and application of national-…
Alex Wickenden
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am a Spatial Data Scientist with UKCEH at Wallingford. My background is in marine ecology, and my interests lie in spatial ecology and ecological…
Matthew Wiggins
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
Currently a Research Associate new to the field of Land Surface Modelling with a focus on hydrological aspects.
Oliver Wild
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research interests are in atmospheric composition, chemistry and transport, and in understanding how natural and anthropogenic emissions of trace…
Alexandra Wilkinson
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Project Support Officer - Eco-I NW
Megan Williams
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
I work as a Research Associate / Spatial Data Analyst within the Emissions Sources, Sinks and Solutions group at the UK Centre for Ecology and…
Clare Willis
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Earth Observation Data Scientist , working as part of the UK Centre of Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM). Prior to this role, I have completed…
Yi Wu
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research is interdisciplinary, bringing together environmental science, economics, geography, and data science. These studies focus on…
Gabriel Yesuf
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am an interdisciplinary environmental scientist and modeler. My research interest aims to provide evidence-based assessment of environmental change…
Hannah Young
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
Hannah Young is an environmental data scientist with interests in greenhouse gas emissions modelling, land use, and pathways to Net Zero. Hannah…
Peter Young
Member (Staff) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Retired Professor Emeritus but continuing with research and development, mainly on data-based mechanistic (DBM) modelling , forecasting and control…
Ce Zhang
Member (Staff) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
Ce is a Fellow in UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. He has extensive expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and…
Imogen Bailes
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I'm a PhD student in Environmental Chemistry and my research is investigating Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in biota from the UK and…
Thomas Barnes
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
MRes glaciology student
Bethany Beck
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Masters by research student, researching biodiversity management in Greek solar parks. Skills include Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), coding…
Alexander Bleasdale
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a PhD student at Lancaster University on a Waitrose CTP funded project researching the use of remote sensing for sustainable intensification of…
James Boon
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
James is an ENVISION DTP NERC funded PhD student based at the University of Nottingham, supervised by Dr Richard Field (University of Nottingham), Dr…
Dulcie Brewer
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a PhD student within LEC, studying the transport and eruption of xenolith bearing magmas. I also completed my undergraduate degree in Earth and…
Jeremy Daniel Carter
Member (Student) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
I'm a PhD student at Lancaster, based in the Mathematics and Statistics department within the Data Science for the Natural Environment (DSNE)…
Cecilia Chavana-Bryant
Member (Student) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
I am a postdoc looking for work while collaborating with Dr France Gerard at CEH Wallingford on remote sensing and phenology.
Matthew Clark
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a PhD student at LEC, focusing on ecoacoustics. My project is focused on how ecoacoustics can be used to monitor habitats, communities and…
Carol Diffenthal
Member (Student) UKCEH - Hydro-Climate Risks
Science Area Coordinator for Hydro-Climate Risks
Kajal Dodhia
Member (Student) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
PhD student at STOR-i, Lancaster University working on Statistical Modelling of Sea Surface Temperatures and Marine Heatwaves.
Aiden Farrell
Member (Student) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
I am a PhD student at Lancaster University where my research focuses on exploring links between extreme values methods and networks.
Elizabeth Flint
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a second year Lancaster University PhD student and based at the British Geological Survey. I am researching the impacts of water supply…
Pablo Gallego Anex
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Pablo is a PhD student at the Lancaster Environment Centre working on measuring biodiversity with LiDAR, insect and acoustic identification. His…
Javier Gonzalez
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Javier is a PhD student at Lancaster Environment Centre. He is interested in understanding how coral reef ecosystems are changing due to human…
Jordan Jarod Hood
Member (Student) LU - School of Mathematics and Statistics
I am a Postgraduate Research (PhD) student at the STOR-i Centre for Doctorial Training at Lancaster University. The focus of my research is on…
Laura-Li Jeannot
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a PhD student looking at the impacts of invasive rats on coral reef fish communities.
Sarah Jones
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
A first year PhD student with research interests in sustainable land use and food systems. Part of the Data science of the Natural Environment.
George Linney
Member (Student) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am a PhD student at UKCEH and Lancaster University. My research aims to improve the modelling of the uncertain evidence base that underlies…
dave mansfield
Member (Student) LU - Engineering
I am PhD student researching autonomous systems for monitoring environmental phenomena.
Victoria Marchment
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am an EPSRC-funded PhD student at the Lancaster Environment Centre, working under the supervision of Dr Sally Keith, Dr Duncan Whyatt, and Prof.…
Sofia Midauar Gondim Rocha
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a PhD researcher at Lancaster University. We aim to understand the physical, chemical, and biological impacts of floating solar panels on…
Eva Mitchell
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
TPG Environmental Management, Food security pathway MSc
Joe Phillips
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Hi, my name is Joe! I am a first year PhD student with the Lancaster Environment Centre. During my time with LEC I will be looking at how deep…
Katy Ross
Member (Student) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
A PhD student working to understand carbon dynamics in the Falkland Island peatlands and the influence of land-use on the ecosystem exchange, organic…
Catherine Sheppard
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
My research aims to understand how the behaviour of reef fish influences the resilience of coral reefs to environmental change. Specifically, I look…
Andrew Slater
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
1st year PhD student - Sequencing to Satellites: integrating biodiversity surveys across scales.
I will be learning Occupancy and Joint…
Daniel Smith
Member (Student) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I'm a doctoral student at the University of Reading and UKCEH under Dr Beth Purse, studying how a trait-based approach to mosquito distribution…
Galina Toteva
Member (Student) UKCEH - Atmospheric Chemistry & Effects
Galina is a PhD researcher at the Edinburgh site of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Her focus is on the relationship between increased nitrogen…
Becky Turner
Member (Student) UKCEH - Biodiversity
I am a PhD candidate at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford. My main interests lie in the applications of ecological modelling for…
Prabha Venkatesh
Member (Student) LU - School of Computing and Communications
Former Masters of Data Science student at Lancaster university.
Vincent Verjans
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
PhD student in glaciology. My research focuses on firn densification modelling. I apply physically-based models and use statistical methodologies in…
Catherine Walker
Member (Student) UKCEH - Soils & Land Use
I am a PhD student studying the historical management of British woodland and its impact on understory biodiversity.
Isla Young
Member (Student) LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
I am a PhD student studying the effect of elevated tropospheric ozone levels on leafy salad crops.