Amber Leeson

Amber Leeson is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Data Science at Lancaster University, where she is Theme Lead for Environment in the Data Science Institute and co-theme lead for ice/water in CEEDS. Her research expertise lies in diagnosing and predicting atmospherically forced changes in ice sheet melting, and in hydrological processes which enhance ice sheet mass loss, using numerical modelling, remote sensing and data science techniques. She currently leads the NERC ‘Meltwater – Ice sheet interactions and the changing climate of Greenland (MII - Greenland)’ project and the ice sheet melting theme in the EPSRC ‘Data Science for the Natural Environment’ project.
LU - Lancaster Environment Centre
Theme Leader

Associated projects

4D Antarctica

Ice sheets are a key component of the Earth system, with the water generated by ice melting impacting upon global sea level rise, ocean and ice dynamics, and biogeochemical processes.

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EPSRC Senior Fellowship in the Role of Digital Technology in Understanding, Mitigating and Adapting to Environmental Change (Ensemble)

Digital technologies have a crucial role to play in helping scientists and other key stakeholders to more deeply understand the natural environment and its complex web of interconnected ecosystems.

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