The CEEDS workshop brought together 12 attendees at the Storey in Lancaster City Centre for a full-day workshop on 7 December 2022. This workshop originated from one of the ideas proposed in the CEEDS Ideas Generating Workshop held in May 2022. This was very much a cross-disciplinary workshop with attendees drawn from different science areas including from biodiversity to soils to air quality. We also had experts in field measurements, field instrumentations, data science, statistics, software development, and citizen science projects. The broadness of the expertise greatly helped with the richness of the group discussions.
The workshop was designed to develop further data sciences ideas in field data acquisition that can be fed into ongoing projects and future funding proposals.
The main objectives of the event were to:
- Share expertise and connect key staff members that will contribute to this area of work;
- Identify key bottlenecks in current workflows and they can be addressed by data science innovations;
- Explore whether experience from other areas of work, e.g. citizen science projects, field instrumentation, sensor networks, and software engineering, can be translated to this area of work.
After roundtable introductions, two groups developed projects on (1) field-to-data centre data analysis workflows, and (2) towards a more representative environmental sampling strategy. These interesting projects are innovative and timely, with great potential to contribute to existing projects and to form the basis of funding proposals.
Please contact Michael Tso (UKCEH) for a full workshop summary or if you would like further discussions on this important topic.

Skyline greenhouse gas chambers data acquisition system and (right) eddy covariance flux tower (UKCEH).