We are delighted to announce an opportunity to bid for funding to advance the work of CEEDS. This could be a workshop aimed at building and strengthening our community, an activity to develop a specific research idea, or something completely different! We are particularly looking for projects that take forward the overall CEEDS agenda (see www.ceeds.ac.uk) and that have the potential to grow into something more substantial. We also particularly welcome projects that have strong involvement from our ECR community, including ECR-led initiatives.
This is an open call, i.e. there is no specific deadline for bids other than funds need to be spent by the end of 2024. The indicative level of funding available is £1,000 to £1,500 but with some flexibility for compelling reasons.
If you have an idea, please send a 0.75 - 1 page summary to CEEDS@ceh.ac.uk, outlining:
- What is the idea?
- What is the approach?
- How does it contribute to the broader CEEDS agenda and priorities?
- Outline budget
We are also happy to discuss ideas in advance of submission – if you would welcome this, please contact one of the CEEDS directors.
With best wishes,
Gordon, Paula & Mal
[CEEDS Directors]