CEEDS Seminar: Data Science to Support Agriculture
Wednesday 19th July, 2-3:30pm
We are pleased to announce that Alex Bush (LU) and Tom August (UKCEH) will lead a CEEDS seminar on “Data science to support agriculture”. This seminar will explore the ways in which data science methods are being applied to environmental data to generate valuable insights for farmers. As the number of new Agri-tech start-ups shows no sign of slowing we ask what environmental scientists can bring to the table? How can our datasets generate new insights and knowledge that drive actions on the ground that support farmers and the environment? We will hear about new tools that are improving our understanding of dynamic changes in growth conditions, how models are being translated into actionable maps to support environmentally friendly land management, and about new ways to use precision agricultural data to understand the impacts of farming practises on the environment.
- Mengyi Gong (Lancaster University): Identifying soil signatures from soil moisture time series via a changepoint-based approach
- Steve Hallett (Cranfield University): Towards a national soils data monitoring system
- Paul Evans (UKCEH): Creation and communication of ecosystem service maps across Great Britain
- John Redhead (UKCEH): e-planner - using spatial data science to create an agri-environmental decision support tool
This seminar is open to all staff from UKCEH and Lancaster University. To join please click on the Zoom link: https://ukri.zoom.us/j/93135058451?pwd=RlM1QjY5K0k0L0RoVENQVlkreS91QT09
Password: 102843
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