Isaac Newton Institute (INI) Workshop
7th September 2020 to 11th September 2020
The workshop on "Integrating quantitative social, ecological and mathematical sciences into landscape decision-making" will take place at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) in Cambridge. The workshop is being co-organised by Paula Harrison (Director of CEEDS). This is a follow-up workshop to a one-month programme held in July 2019 (Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making) in which a number of CEEDS members participated. The aim of this follow-up workshop is to explore research strategies for integrating state-of-the-art social modelling approaches with environmental and mathematical approaches in landscape decision-making. This is vital, as landscapes are complex systems, involving interactions between both natural and human processes. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to feedback on methodological advances made since the INI programme and match these to the changing needs of stakeholders.
CEEDS members are strongly encouraged to participate in this workshop to interact with the landscape decision community and stakeholders working on land-related research and policy questions. For further details on how to apply (deadline: 1st August 2020), please visit the Isaac Newton Institute website.