CEEDS workshop to develop NERC Highlight Topic ideas
12-13th July, Lancaster Conference Centre, Lancaster University, UK
You are invited to attend a workshop to develop ideas for future NERC Highlight Topics, organised by the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science (CEEDS).
Each year, NERC solicits ideas for future Highlight Topics, which are typically £3-4M science-led funding calls, targeted on topical thematic areas.
Within CEEDS, we are therefore looking to develop a recurrent process, which supports groups of researchers to submit Highlight Topic ideas that are well-suited to having an Environmental Data Science component.
To initiate this process, we will be holding a 1-day workshop (midday 12th July to midday 13th July), which aims to bring together groups of researchers to formulate ideas. The workshop will be in-person and fully-facilitated.
This will be followed by subsequent events during the year, with the aim of providing ongoing support to researchers in developing their ideas through to submission.
This event is open to all, and we are particularly keen to involve a range of people from early career researchers to experienced staff, and also those who may not have interacted with CEEDS previously. Funding is available to support T&S for those participants who are not based in Lancaster.
Places will be limited; so if you would like to attend then please hold the date and register your interest by Wed 31st May, by emailing CEEDS@ceh.ac.uk with:
- Your affiliation (LU or UKCEH) and the site or department where you work.
- Your broad areas of research interest (Environmental or Methodological domains).
- Any access or dietary requirements.
- Whether you require T&S support to attend (for attendees based at non-Lancaster sites).
We will confirm attendance and provide further details to all registered participants shortly after the closing date.
Many thanks,
CEEDS co-directors
The Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science (CEEDS) is a joint initiative between Lancaster University and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. CEEDS aims to build a collaborative, trans-disciplinary community of environmental and data scientists, driven by a shared ambition to tackle the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. We believe that this can only be achieved by developing a new kind of science, that is open, collaborative, data-driven and integrative. Our philosophy is to break down traditional boundaries, foster new connections between disciplines and, in doing so, significantly expand knowledge and insight about the data-rich world that we inhabit. To find out more information, and to join our community, please visit our website at ceeds.ac.uk.