CEEDS Seminar: The Role of Art and Design in Environmental Data Science
Wednesday 31st May 2023, 2-3.30pm
This exciting CEEDS seminar will look at the role of art and design in working with environmental data, considering how creative approaches can be used to present data and insights, for public engagement inspiring and influencing audiences in meaningful ways, to stimulate greater connection to nature, and also to be used as an intrinsic part of the research process itself.
The seminar will follow our usual format of several short talks with plenty of time after each talk and at the end for discussion:
The first talk will be from Harriet and Rob Fraser (U. Cumbria) on “Making Sense of Here ... and if collaboration is the answer, what questions does that point to?”. Rob and Harriet will have a double slot to present experience from their somewhere-nowhere collaborative art-research practice, and also to introduce the PLACE Collective, a community of artists from across the UK engaged with issues of nature, environment and rural landscapes.
The second talk will be by Michael Pocock (UKCEH) and Bryony Benge-Abbott on “The Dataset’s Dream: an art-science collaboration to explore what is gained and what is lost when nature becomes digital”, presenting their experience of working at the art-science interface in the NERC DECIDE Project on Delivering Enhanced Biodiversity Information with Adaptive Citizen Science and Intelligent Digital Engagements.
The final talk will be delivered by Dr. Liz Edwards (Lancaster University) on “Digital Naturalists: The Role of Design in Enhancing our Connectivity with Nature?”. Liz adopts a research through design approach to reflect on how the arts and technology in combination can stimulate connections to nature, and also nurture care for non-human nature.
If you are inspired by the topic of this seminar, there is a chance to attend a training course in York on Building art-science collaborations, 15th-16th June. The deadline for applications is Monday 29th May. For more information and to sign up:
The seminar is open to all staff from UKCEH and Lancaster University. To join please click on the Zoom link:
Password: 638622
For further information on CEEDS and to join our growing membership, please visit our website: https://ceeds.ac.uk/.