On 27th February 2020 Lancaster University ran a Statistics for the Natural Environment workshop sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society, in conjunction with CEEDS and the Data Science of the Natural Environment project. The event brought together speakers from across the UK to discuss the application of statistical approaches to a range of environmental data problems. The event was equally well attended by both statisticians and environmental scientists.
Topics covered by speakers included:
The use of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) for gathering information on species populations, with examples drawn from Jaguars, Grey Seals, Lapwings and Grey Herons (speaker Hannah Worthington; University of St Andrews).
The application of multivariate geostatistical models to predict spatial variations of selenium in teff grain across the Amahara region in Ethiopia (speaker Murray Lark; University of Nottingham).
The merits of using splines for modelling spatio-temporal variations in groundwater contamination data (speaker Marnie Low; University of Glasgow).
How mixture models can be used to predict animal diets using their tissue samples (speaker Andrew Parnell; Maynooth University).
For more details, see the full report on the Data Science of the Natural Environment website.